Vea la versión en español a continuación
Chocolate has been getting a bad rap lately, for everything from deforestation to child labor and underpaid farmers who grow the cacao and never taste the chocolate. Fortunately, thatâs not how they grow cacao in Bolivia.
Iâve been hearing about El Ceibo for 30 years. This umbrella organization of 47 cooperatives and over 1,300 cacao growers has been putting cocoa powder on Bolivian grocery shelves for some time, and in recent years they have been making fabulous chocolate bars. So, I was glad to get a chance to go spend a week with them not too long ago.
I went with JosĂ© Luis Escobar, an agronomist who has known El Ceibo since the 1990s. El Ceiboâs headquarters are a campus of neat brick buildings, in the small town of Sapecho, in the Alto Beni region, La Paz, in the humid tropics of the Bolivian lowlands. The campus has offices, a lab, and meeting rooms, but also buildings to process cacao, and solar dryers with wheels so the drying cacao beans can be quickly rolled under a roof during a sudden shower. The walkways between the buildings are lined with cocoa trees with beautiful red, purple or golden pods.
Javier Marino, the sub-director of Ceiboâs technical wing (PIAF), showed us their nursery, also in Sapecho. Javier grew up on a nearby cocoa farm. After going away to get a degree in agronomy, he came back home and began to work at El Ceibo. 95% of Ceiboâs employees are cooperative members, or their children or grandchildren.
At the nursery, workers (all from cocoa-growing families) were busy mixing soil, sand and compost to fill the plastic bags to plant cocoa seeds. To meet the growing demand for cacao trees, El Ceibo is planning to sell half a million cocoa seedlings this year. The cocoa seedlings are of varieties that tolerate diseases like monilia, caused by a fungus. Tolerant varieties help farmers produce organic chocolate, without chemicals. Ceibo is also building a factory to produce biological fungicides and organic fertilizers.
El Ceibo has more than 10 extensionists, many of whom are cacao farmers, as well as professional agronomists. The extensionists visit each of the cooperatives that make up El Ceibo, and teach farmers to manage cacao and its diseases naturally. By nature, cocoa trees grow in the forest, in partial shade. The extensionists teach farmers to plant fruit and native forest trees among the cocoa. All the trees, even the cocoa, are pruned to let in light and air, to prevent diseases. El Ceibo agronomists explain to farmers that growing cacao with other trees also helps to manage the extreme temperatures of climate change.
El Ceibo maintains a model agroforestry plot at their nursery, where cacao grows under the rainforest trees. Some farmers have adopted agroforestry, but all of them have at least some forest trees growing among their cacao. Some of the trees are forest giants, so El Ceibo has a team of experts who visit farmers, to prune the tall trees. The pruners climb the trees safely, with ropes and harnesses. By cutting off the lower branches, the big trees cast just the right amount of shade, and the trees donât have to be cut down. Years later, the trees can be harvested for timber, and then replanted.
All of this agronomy is paying off. In just eight years, El Ceibo has more than doubled its yield of organic cocoa, from an average of 450 pounds per hectare to 1000 (from 200 kilos to 450). To handle the increased volume, two years ago El Ceibo built a new collection center and processing plant near Sapecho. Trucks pull in with the harvested cacao beans, sent by the farmers. Before drying the cacao beans, El Ceibo ferments them in large wooden boxes, to bring out the best chocolate aromas, flavors and colors, and to get a higher price.
El Ceibo exports some cocoa butter through a German organic and fairtrade company, GEPA, and sells cocoa beans to chocolate-makers in Switzerland. But 70% of their production is for Bolivia. El Ceibo has a chocolate plant in the big city of El Alto, six hours away, staffed by grown children of cacao farmers.
Ceibo also has a shop, that opens onto a street in Sapecho, where you can buy general hardware, and special cacao-growing tools, besides the chocolate candies and cookies that El Ceibo produces. A sign in the shop reminds the cacao farmers that if they show their membership card they can buy the chocolates at a discount.
I met JesĂșs Tapia, a cacao-grower who has been a member of El Ceibo for 40 years. For the past two years he has also been the second vice-president of the board of directors. Like all of El Ceiboâs leaders, don JesĂșs was elected by the general membership. El Ceibo started 47 years ago, when a group of cocoa farmers decided that they could sell their own cocoa, and cut out the middlemen. These dealers would buy the cacao on credit, but could be slow coming back with the money. Cooperatives donât always last very long, especially large umbrella organizations that bring together dozens of cooperatives. But here in Bolivia, the cacao farmers sell their produce at a fair price, create jobs for their co-op members, grow rainforest trees, and they have their own chocolate shop.
Iâm indebted to JosĂ© Luis Escobar, and to Misael Condori for introducing me to El Ceibo, and for their patient explanations. Thanks to JosĂ© Luis Escobar and Paul Van Mele for reading and commenting on a previous version of this blog.
El Ceibo Cooperative Federation Ltd. (El Ceibo) has given technical assistance to its members since the 1980s. In 1993 El Ceibo created the Program to Implement Agroecology and Forestry (PIAF), which carries out research and development for the cooperatives.
Scientific name. Monilia is a disease caused by the fungus Moniliophthora roreri.
Por Jeff Bentley, 9 de junio del 2024
Ăltimamente el chocolate tiene mala fama, desde la deforestaciĂłn hasta el trabajo infantil y los agricultores mal pagados que producen el cacao sin jamĂĄs probar el chocolate. Afortunadamente, en Bolivia no se produce el cacao asĂ.
Hace 30 años que oigo hablar de El Ceibo. Esta central de cooperativas, que agrupa a 47 cooperativas de base y mĂĄs de 1.300 productores de cacao, lleva tiempo vendiendo cocoa en polvo y otros productos en sus tiendas y supermercados bolivianos. En los Ășltimos años salieron con unas fabulosas barras de chocolate. Por eso me alegrĂł tener la oportunidad de pasar una semana con ellos.
Fui con JosĂ© Luis Escobar, un ingeniero agrĂłnomo que conoce al Ceibo desde los años 90. La sede de El Ceibo es un campus de edificios bien construidos, de ladrillo, en el pueblo de Sapecho de la regiĂłn de Alto Beni, La Paz, en el trĂłpico hĂșmedo de las tierras bajas bolivianas. El campus tiene oficinas, un laboratorio y salas de reuniones, pero tambiĂ©n predios para procesar el cacao y secadores solares corredizos para meter los granos de cacao bajo techo rĂĄpidamente en caso de una lluvia sorpresiva. Las aceras entre los edificios estĂĄn bordeadas de ĂĄrboles de cacao con hermosas mazorcas rojas, moradas o doradas.
Javier Marino, el sub director del brazo técnico de El Ceibo (PIAF), nos mostró sus viveros, también en Sapecho. Javier es de la zona, y es hijo de productores de cacao. Tras egresarse como ingeniero agrónomo en la ciudad, volvió a casa y empezó a trabajar en El Ceibo. El 95% de los empleados de Ceibo son cooperativistas, o sus hijos o nietos.
En el vivero, los trabajadores (todos de familias cacaoteras) mezclan tierra, arena y abono para llenar las bolsas de plĂĄstico donde sembrar las semillas de cacao. Para satisfacer la creciente demanda de cacaoteros, este año El Ceibo venderĂĄ medio millĂłn de plantines de cacao. Los plantines de cacao son de variedades que toleran enfermedades como la monilia, causada por un hongo. Las variedades tolerantes ayudan a los agricultores a producir chocolate ecolĂłgico, sin quĂmicos. El Ceibo tambiĂ©n estĂĄ construyendo una fĂĄbrica para producir fungicidas biolĂłgicos y abonos orgĂĄnicos.
El Ceibo tiene mås de 10 extensionistas. Muchos producen cacao, ademås de ser agrónomos profesionales. Los extensionistas visitan cada una de las cooperativas que componen El Ceibo y enseñan a los agricultores a manejar adecuadamente el cacao y sus enfermedades de forma natural. Por naturaleza, los årboles de cacao crecen en el bosque, en sombra parcial. Los extensionistas enseñan a los agricultores a plantar årboles frutales y forestales nativos entre el cacao. Todos los årboles, incluso el cacao, se podan para dejar entrar la luz y el aire, y asà evitar las enfermedades. Los extensionistas de El Ceibo explican a los agricultores que cultivar cacao junto con otros årboles ayuda a manejar las temperaturas extremas del cambio climåtico.
Desde hace años, El Ceibo mantiene un modelo agroforestal en su vivero, donde el cacao crece bajo los ĂĄrboles del bosque. Algunos agricultores han adoptado la agroforesterĂa, pero todos tienen al menos algunos ĂĄrboles forestales entre su cacao. Algunos de los ĂĄrboles son gigantes del bosque; por eso El Ceibo tiene un equipo de expertos que visita a los agricultores para podar los ĂĄrboles altos. Los podadores trepan a los ĂĄrboles de forma segura, con lasos y arneses. Al cortar las ramas bajeras, los grandes ĂĄrboles dan justo suficiente sombra y no es necesario talarlos. Años mĂĄs tarde, los ĂĄrboles pueden ser cosechados para madera y ser replantados.
Toda esta agronomĂa estĂĄ dando sus frutos. En sĂłlo ocho años, El Ceibo ha duplicado su producciĂłn de cacao ecolĂłgico, de un promedio de 45 quintales por hectĂĄrea a 10. Para manejar el mayor volumen, hace dos años El Ceibo construyĂł una nueva planta de acopio y de procesamiento de cacao hĂșmedo, cerca de Sapecho. Llegan los camiones con cacao cosechado por sus agricultores. El cacao es fermentado en cajas de madera grandes, para resaltar los mejores aromas, sabores y colores del chocolate, y obtener un precio mĂĄs alto.
El Ceibo exporta parte de la manteca de cacao a través de una empresa alemana de comercio justo y orgånico, GEPA, y vende granos de cacao a chocolateros de Suiza. Pero el 70% de su producción se destina a Bolivia. El Ceibo tiene una fåbrica de chocolates en la gran ciudad de El Alto, a seis horas de distancia, donde trabajan los hijos e hijas mayores de los productores de cacao.
Ceibo tambiĂ©n tiene una tienda, que da a una calle de Sapecho, donde se puede comprar ferreterĂa en general y herramientas especiales para el cultivo del cacao, ademĂĄs de dulces y galletas de chocolate que El Ceibo produce. Un cartel en la tienda recuerda a los cacaocultores que si muestran su carnet de socio pueden comprar los chocolates con descuento.
ConocĂ a JesĂșs Tapia, un cultivador de cacao que es socio de El Ceibo desde hace 40 años. Desde hace dos años es tambiĂ©n vicepresidente segundo de la junta directiva. Como todos los dirigentes de El Ceibo, don JesĂșs fue elegido por voto popular de los socios. El Ceibo naciĂł hace 47 años, cuando un grupo de cacaocultores decidiĂł vender su propio cacao y evitar a los intermediarios, que compraban la producciĂłn a crĂ©dito, pero tardaban en devolver el dinero. Las cooperativas no siempre duran mucho, sobre todo las grandes organizaciones que agrupan a docenas de cooperativas. Pero aquĂ, en Bolivia, los cultivadores de cacao venden sus productos a un precio justo, crean puestos de trabajo para sus cooperativas y afiliados, cultivan ĂĄrboles de la selva tropical y tienen su propia chocolaterĂa.
Estoy agradecido a José Luis Escobar y Misael Condori por hacerme conocer El Ceibo y por sus pacientes explicaciones. Gracias a José Luis Escobar y Paul Van Mele por leer y comentar sobre una versión previa de este blog.
La Central de Cooperativas El Ceibo R.L. (El Ceibo) ha dado asistencia técnica a sus afiliados desde los años 80. En el 1993 El Ceibo creó el Programa de Implementaciones Agro-ecológicas y Forestales (PIAF), el cual se encarga de la investigación y desarrollo para la central.
Nombre cientĂfico. La monilia es una enfermedad causada por el hongo Moniliophthora roreri.
Vea la versiĂłn en español a continuaciĂłn Â
While working at a vineyard in Spain, Enrique Carvajal thought of starting his own winery back home in Bolivia. Enrique was from the small town of Cliza, in Cochabamba, but he had spent most of his career working abroad, at different jobs from the USA to Tel Aviv. He would go out for a year or two, and send money home to his wife and family.
Enriqueâs parents had always grown grapes in Bolivia, so he had long known how to make a rustic wine, but the Spanish vineyard was unusual. It was associated with priests, and set up to make sacramental wine, some of which they sent to priests in other countries, which did not make their own wine. The experience gave him the idea that wine could be kind of a big deal.
In 2015, in his fifties, and back in Bolivia, don Enrique collected varieties, like white muscatel, shiraz, merlot and others. By 2021, he produced over 2000 liters. Over the years, Enrique has observed which vines produce a fine wine at his farmâs altitude, 2,800 meters, making it among the highest vineyards in the world. Enrique has also created a label, and given his vineyard a name, MedallĂłn. Having a name was a marketing idea that Enrique learned in Spain, but the name âMedallĂłnâ comes from the different medals that his familyâs peaches and apples have won in local fairs.
Don Enrique also innovates by cooperating with Clizaâs municipal government, which releases sterile fruit flies in the valley every Wednesday. MedallĂłn is one of their release sites.
Don Enrique is proud that his familyâs wine is natural. He doesnât add any chemicals to it, he explains.
He shows my wife Ana and I, and some fellow visitors, a sample of his neat bottles, with red, white and rosé vintages. The newest ones sell for a modest 25 Bolivianos (just over 3 dollars), while the 11-year-old wines sell for 100 Bolivianos.
âIâm setting aside some wine every year, for my children and grandchildren to keep as long as possible,â don Enrique explains. This aged wine and a family business will be part of don Enriqueâs legacy.
Enriqueâs years in Spain gave him a vision of a different future, while his stay in Tel Aviv gave him an appreciation of the past. âWhen I lived in Tel Aviv, I was able to travel all over the Holy land,â don Enrique explains, adding sadly, âTo the places where they are fighting now.â
âI visited Bethlehem and Jerusalem and Canaan, where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine.â He adds, âWine is sacred.â
Enrique combined his grape-growing skills, learned at home, with some Spanish ideas for marketing an upscale product, and then experimented on his own with different grape varieties at high altitudes. Intangibles, like caring for the environment, wanting to leave something for the family, and finding a spiritual connection with oneâs produce, all add meaning to his work.
Thanks to Enrique Carvajal, Ana GonzĂĄles, and Paul Van Mele for commenting on previous versions of this story.
Por Jeff Bentley
31 de marzo del 2024
Mientras trabajaba en un viñedo en España, Enrique Carvajal pensĂł en montar su propia bodega en Bolivia. Enrique era de la pequeña ciudad de Cliza, en Cochabamba, pero habĂa pasado la mayor parte de su carrera trabajando en el extranjero, en distintos empleos desde los Estados Unidos a Tel Aviv. Se iba por uno o dos años y enviaba dinero a su mujer y a su familia.
Los padres de Enrique siempre habĂan cultivado la vid en Bolivia, asĂ que Ă©l sabĂa desde hacĂa tiempo cĂłmo hacer un vino rĂșstico, pero el viñedo español era distinto. Estaba asociada a unos curas quienes elaboraban vino sacramental, parte del cual enviaban a sacerdotes de otros paĂses, donde no se elaboraba su propio vino. La experiencia le dio la idea de que el vino podĂa ser algo importante.
En 2015, ya cincuentĂłn y de vuelta en Bolivia, don Enrique recolectĂł variedades, como moscatel blanco, shiraz, merlot y otras. Para 2021, solĂa producir mĂĄs de 2000 litros por año. A lo largo de los años, Enrique ha observado quĂ© cepas producen un buen vino a la altitud de su finca, 2.800 metros, lo que la sitĂșa entre los viñedos mĂĄs altos del mundo. Enrique tambiĂ©n ha creado una etiqueta y ha dado nombre a su viñedo, MedallĂłn. Tener un nombre fue una idea de marketing que Enrique aprendiĂł en España, pero el nombre “MedallĂłn” viene de las diferentes medallas para los duraznos y manzanas que su familia ha ganado en ferias locales.
Don Enrique tambiĂ©n innova colaborando con la alcaldĂa de Cliza, que libera moscas de la fruta estĂ©riles en el valle todos los miĂ©rcoles. MedallĂłn es uno de sus lugares de liberaciĂłn.
Don Enrique estĂĄ orgulloso de que el vino de su familia sea natural. No le añade ningĂșn producto quĂmico, Ă©l explica.
Nos enseña a mi mujer Ana y a mĂ, y a otros visitantes, una muestra de sus elegantes botellas, con vinos tintos, blancos y rosados. Las mĂĄs nuevas se venden a sĂłlo 25 bolivianos (poco mĂĄs de 3 dĂłlares), mientras que las de 11 años cuestan 100 bolivianos.
“Cada año reservo algunas botellas de vino para que mis hijos y nietos las conserven lo mĂĄs que puedan, explica don Enrique. Este vino añejo y un negocio familiar formarĂĄn parte del legado de don Enrique.
Los años que Enrique pasĂł en España le dieron una visiĂłn nueva del, mientras que su estancia en Tel Aviv le hizo apreciar el pasado. “Cuando vivĂa en Tel Aviv, pude viajar por toda la Tierra Santa”, explica don Enrique, y añade con tristeza: “A los lugares donde ahora estĂĄn peleando”.
“VisitĂ© BelĂ©n y JerusalĂ©n y CanaĂĄn, donde JesĂșs hizo su primer milagro de convertir el agua en vino”. Y añade: “El vino es sagrado”.
Don Enrique combinĂł sus conocimientos sobre el cultivo de la vid, aprendidos en casa, con algunas ideas españolas para comercializar un producto de alta gama, y luego experimentĂł por su cuenta con distintas variedades de uva a gran altitud. Los intangibles, como el cuidado del medio ambiente, el deseo de dejar algo a la familia y la bĂșsqueda de una conexiĂłn espiritual con los propios productos, añaden significado a su trabajo.
Agradezco a Enrique Carvajal, Ana GonzĂĄlez y Paul Van Mele por leer y comentar sobre versiones previas de este relato.
Agrochemicals can be sold, but agroecology often has to be shared for free. In 2012, Access Agriculture (a non-profit) began to offer free videos on agroecology for farmers. A recent review of 244 digital tools found that Access Agriculture was one of only three that offered advice to smallholders on a wide range of agroecological principles, using exemplary extension features, such as options in various languages.
In 2021 we held an online survey of the users of Access Agriculture, to find out how people were using and sharing the videos and other information. They could take the survey in English, French, or Spanish, and 2976 people did so. Most of the respondents (83%) were living in Africa, where Access Agriculture started, suggesting that there is scope to expand in Latin America and Asia. Most survey takers were extensionists, educators (who show videos in class) and farmers themselves, who are increasingly getting online.
Access Agriculture makes an effort to feature female-friendly innovations and to film women farmers (as well as men). Still, 84% of the respondents were men. This is partly because women have less access to phones and to Internet, but the videos do reach women. Many of the extensionists who were surveyed use the videos with organized groups of women farmers.
The survey asked how the videos had made a difference in farm familiesâ lives. Answers were multiple choice, and more than one response was allowed. Choices were randomised so that each respondent saw them in a different order, so as not to favour the first items on the list. The top response, âbetter yieldâ garnered almost 50% of the responses. This suggests that strengthening farmersâ knowledge on agroecology, through the videos, can improve farmersâ yields, an idea that is currently debated.
The other frequent answers suggest that the videos promote productive, sustainable agriculture. âImproved pests, disease and weed managementâ, âbetter soil health and soil fertilityâ, and âbetter produceâ were all noted by over 40% of respondents. Only 1% thought that the videos had made no impact on farmersâ lives.
Three quarters (72%) of the farmers who download the videos also share them. Farmers would only do this if they found the videos useful. The survey estimated that since 2015, the videos reached 90 million people, mainly by mass media. That is partly because the videos are professionally filmed, and TV stations can request the broadcast quality versions and play them on the air. Radio stations also broadcast the soundtracks, which are easily downloadable. From 2012 to 2021, four million people were reached by smaller programs, often screening videos in the villages.
Smart phones make it easy to share links to videos. Over half (51%) of the respondents shared the videos this way, reaching nearly five thousand (4927) organizations. By 2021, Access Agriculture had videos in 90 languages. However, only 55% of the survey respondents knew about these other language versions. As a result, by 2024, Access Agriculture had made local language versions easier to find online. In 2021, the Access Agriculture interface was only in three languages. Now it is in six, as Hindi, Bengali and Portuguese have joined English, French and Spanish. Access Agriculture also begun to list the video title and written summary in the language of each version, not just in the languages of the interface. Now users can find videos by entering search words in languages like Kiswahili, Telegu and Quechua.
The farmers (and others) who took our survey are people who can afford the airtime to take an online survey. They are literate in English, French or Spanish, because they have had a formal education. But with time, smart phones will become less expensive to use. As todayâs youngest farmers mature, they will also bring more digital skills into the farming community. The next decade will make these videos even more accessible for farmers, extensionists and others, in ways we can scarcely imagine now.
Agroecology relies on techniques such as crop rotation, organic fertilizer, and natural enemies of plant pests. Many of these practices cannot be bought and sold. They depend on knowledge that can be conveyed online, by extensionists, and in schools. Videos in many languages can effectively share agroecology with farmers, for free, on the Internet.
Previous Agro-Insight blogs adapted from the online survey
Staying grounded while on the air in Ghana
A greener revolution in Africa
Teaching the farmers of tomorrow with videos
Further reading
Our online survey:
Bentley, Jeffery, Paul Van Mele, Flora Chadare, and Mahesh Chander. 2022. Videos on agroecology for a global audience of farmers: An online survey of Access Agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 20(6):1100-1116.
The review of digital tools:
Burns, Sessie, Kyle M. Dittmer, Sadie Shelton, and Eva Wollenberg. 2022. Global digital tool review for agroecological transitions. Agroecological TRANSITIONS: Inclusive Digital Tools to Enable Climate-informed Agroecological Transitions (ATDT). Cali, Colombia: Alliance of Bioversity & CIAT.
At Agro-Insight, we make a lot of videos with farmer-experimenters. But experimentation can go on for years, even after we have wrapped up our video. We film many innovations that farmers have honed after learning about them from agronomists. Capturing those practices on a video makes them seem permanent. But the farmers and their extensionists keep reworking the ideas, after the video is filmed, as I saw recently in Kiphakiphani, near Viacha, in the high country around La Paz, Bolivia.
In December I was at a large, annual meeting of the McKnight Foundation. Our hosts, local research-&-development agencies, had brought in farmers from across the vast Altiplano, to a âtechnology fair,â where the farmers showed off their current innovations. Many of the participants were farmers who have appeared on previous videos of ours. It was a chance to catch up.
In 2018, we filmed Milton Villca, an extensionist, and farmers from the community of Chita, near Uyuni in southern Bolivia, planting live barriers to stop devastating wind erosion in quinoa fields. At the time we filmed the community, they showed us how to gather the tiny seeds of native brush, tâola, using plastic basins. The community members worked so well and so fast that they clearly had a lot of experience gathering the tiny seeds. But anything can be improved.
At the stand I visited in 2023, five years after filming, they described a better way to collect millions of tiny seeds, with a big vacuum cleaner, powered by electricity from a car battery.
In 2018, Chita was planting windbreaks with seedlings raised in another community. But now the people of Chita have their own nursery, and they are growing and planting many more of these native tâola plants in the fight to keep their farmland from blowing away.
In 2022, Farmers from Cebollullo, in a warm valley of La Paz, showed us how to make enriched biofertilizer, for a video. As farmer Freddy Rivero explained at the technology fair in late 2023, they also make other inputs, like a liquid ash mix, bokashi and Bordeaux mix. None of these were developed locally. As Freddy said of the Bordeaux mix âThe French invented this as a fungicide for their grape vinesâ. But using these organic products instead of agrochemicals is still a big change for Cebollullo, where most farmers rely on agrochemicals to produce truckloads of onions and lettuce for the large wholesale markets of La Paz and El Alto, two of Boliviaâs biggest cities.
Before adopting biofertilizers, the farmers of Cebollullo had a problem. Their crop yields were declining while agrochemical costs kept going up. Now the farmers are making more money producing vegetables with organic inputs. âOf 120 of us, 22 farmers are now using these organic inputs,â Freddy said.
I asked him why more farmers were not using the alternatives to chemicals. âBecause we only started using them ourselves, a year ago,â Freddy said. Actually, it was more like two years ago, but now farmers like don Freddy are showing their neighbors in Cebollullo that the alternatives to chemicals really work. Freddy and his colleagues expect more farmers to start using the homemade fertilizers and fungicides in the next few years. If the agroecological farmers can farm profitably, it will gradually convince the neighbors to change from chemicals to ecologically-sound farming.
Parts of our 2022 video on enriched biofertilizer were also filmed in Chigani Alto, a village on the shores of Lake Titicaca. The farmers from Chigani Alto, including Fernando Villca and Juana MartĂnez, showed us how they are using lots of other inventions as well, such as fertilizer made from earthworms. To teach Bolivian farmers how to rear earthworms, agronomist Maya Apaza is showing them videos from India and Bangladesh. The farmers in Bolivia are raising earthworms in one-meter by one-meter wooden boxes. They are also experimenting with the fertilizer derived from earthworms, comparing it side-by-side with chemical fertilizer, to see which one works best.
So the camera creates a record of farmer-agronomist collaboration, and the practical ideas they come up with together, but after the camera leaves, life goes on, and so does further innovation.
Further reading
For more on the tâola plants and their scientific names see:
Bonifacio, Alejandro, Genaro Aroni, Milton Villca, and Jeffery W. Bentley 2023 Recovering from Quinoa: Regenerative Agricultural Research in Bolivia. Journal of Crop Improvement 37(5): 687-708.
Previous Agro-Insight blogs
Recovering from the quinoa boom
Watch the videos we made in Bolivia
Living windbreaks to protect the soil
The videos on earthworms from South Asia
The technology fair in December 2023, was organized by the Proinpa Foundation, Prosuco, and the Public University of San AndrĂ©s (UMSA). The experiments in Chita, with soil conservation, was conducted by Proinpa, and the biofertilizer innovations were led by Prosuco. This work was supported by the McKnight Foundationâs Global Collaboration for Resilient Food Systems.
En Agro-Insight, hacemos muchos videos con agricultores experimentadores. Pero la experimentación puede durar años, incluso después de que hayamos terminado nuestro video. Muchas de las innovaciones que filmamos han sido pulidas por los agricultores después de haberlas aprendido de los agrónomos. Capturar esas pråcticas en un video las hace parecer permanentes. Pero los agricultores y sus extensionistas siguen reelaborando las ideas, después de que se filma el video, como vi recientemente en Kiphakiphani, cerca de Viacha, en el altiplano de La Paz, Bolivia.
En diciembre estuve en una gran reuniĂłn anual de la FundaciĂłn McKnight. Nuestros anfitriones, agencias bolivianas de investigaciĂłn y desarrollo, habĂan traĂdo agricultores de todo el vasto Altiplano a una “feria tecnolĂłgica”, donde los agricultores mostraban sus innovaciones actuales. Varios de los participantes eran agricultores que han aparecido en videos anteriores nuestros. Fue una oportunidad para ponernos al dĂa.
En 2018, filmamos a Milton Villca, un extensionista, y a agricultores de la comunidad de Chita, cerca de Uyuni en el sur de Bolivia, mientras plantaban barreras vivas para detener la devastadora erosiĂłn del viento en los campos de quinua. En ese momento, en la comunidad, nos mostraron cĂłmo recolectar las pequeñĂsimas semillas de arbustos nativos, las t’olas, usando fuentes de plĂĄstico. Los miembros de la comunidad trabajaban tan bien y tan rĂĄpido que claramente tenĂan mucha experiencia recolectando las semillitas. Pero todo se puede mejorar.
En el stand que visitĂ© en 2023, cinco años despuĂ©s de la filmaciĂłn, mostraron que habĂan descubierto una mejor manera de recolectar millones de semillas chiquitas, con una aspiradora grande, alimentada por electricidad de una baterĂa de automĂłvil.
En 2018, Chita estaba plantando rompevientos con plĂĄntulas cultivadas en otra comunidad. Pero ahora la gente de Chita tiene su propio vivero y estĂĄ cultivando y plantando muchas mĂĄs de estas plantas nativas de t’ola en la lucha para evitar que sus tierras se las lleve el viento.
En 2022, los agricultores de Cebollullo, en un cĂĄlido valle de La Paz, nos mostraron cĂłmo hacer biofertilizante enriquecido, para un video. Como explicĂł el agricultor Freddy Rivero en la feria tecnolĂłgica a fines de 2023, tambiĂ©n elaboran otros insumos, como una mezcla de ceniza lĂquida, bokashi y caldo bordolĂ©s. Ninguno de estos fue desarrollado localmente. Como dijo don Freddy acerca del caldo bordolĂ©s: “Los franceses lo inventaron como fungicida para sus vides”. Pero usar estos productos orgĂĄnicos en lugar de agroquĂmicos sigue siendo un gran cambio para Cebollullo, donde la mayorĂa de los agricultores confĂan en los agroquĂmicos para producir camionadas de cebollas y lechugas para los grandes mercados mayoristas de La Paz y El Alto, dos de las ciudades mĂĄs grandes de Bolivia.
Antes de adoptar biofertilizantes, los agricultores de Cebollullo tenĂan un problema. Sus rendimientos agrĂcolas estaban disminuyendo mientras los costos de los agroquĂmicos seguĂan subiendo. Ahora los agricultores estĂĄn ganando mĂĄs dinero produciendo verduras con insumos orgĂĄnicos. “De 120, 22 agricultores ahora usamos estos insumos orgĂĄnicos”, dijo Freddy.
Le preguntĂ© por quĂ© no mĂĄs agricultores usaban las alternativas a los quĂmicos. “Porque nosotros mismos solo comenzamos a usarlos, hace un año”, dijo Freddy. En realidad, fue mĂĄs como hace dos años, pero ahora agricultores como don Freddy estĂĄn mostrando a sus vecinos en Cebollullo que las alternativas a los quĂmicos realmente funcionan. Freddy y sus colegas esperan que mĂĄs agricultores comiencen a usar los fertilizantes y fungicidas caseros en los prĂłximos años. Si los agricultores agroecolĂłgicos pueden cultivar de manera rentable, convencerĂĄn gradualmente a los vecinos de que pasen de los quĂmicos a una agricultura ecolĂłgicamente responsable.
Partes de nuestro video de 2022 sobre biofertilizante enriquecido tambiĂ©n se filmaron en Chigani Alto, un pueblo a orillas del lago Titicaca. Los agricultores de Chigani Alto, como Fernando Villca y Juana MartĂnez, nos mostraron cĂłmo usaban otros inventos tambiĂ©n, como un fertilizante hecho de lombrices de tierra. Para enseñar a los agricultores bolivianos a criar lombrices de tierra, la agrĂłnoma Maya Apaza les muestra videos de India y Bangladesh. Los agricultores en Bolivia estĂĄn criando lombrices de tierra en cajas de madera de un metro por un metro. TambiĂ©n estĂĄn experimentando con el fertilizante derivado de las lombrices de tierra, comparĂĄndolo lado a lado con el fertilizante quĂmico, para ver cuĂĄl funciona mejor.
La cĂĄmara crea un registro de la colaboraciĂłn entre agricultores y agrĂłnomos, y las ideas prĂĄcticas que se les ocurren juntos. Pero despuĂ©s de que la cĂĄmara se guarda, la vida continĂșa, igual que la innovaciĂłn.
Lectura adicional
Sobre las tâolas y sus nombres cientĂficos:
Bonifacio, Alejandro, Genaro Aroni, Milton Villca, and Jeffery W. Bentley 2023 Recovering from Quinoa: Regenerative Agricultural Research in Bolivia. Journal of Crop Improvement 37(5): 687-708.
Previamente en el blog de Agro-Insight
RecuperĂĄndose del boom de la quinua
Ver los videos que filmamos en Bolivia
Barreras vivas para proteger el suelo
CĂłmo hacer un abono biofoliar
Los videos del Sur de la Asia sobre la lombriz de tierra
La maravillosa lombriz de tierra
La feria de prĂĄcticas y tecnologĂas agroecolĂłgicas en diciembre del 2023 se organizĂł por la FundaciĂłn Proinpa, Prosuco, y la Universidad Mayor de San AndrĂ©s (UMSA). Los experimentos en Chita, con la conservaciĂłn del suelo, se realizaron con Proinpa, y las innovaciones con el biofertilizante se hicieron con Prosuco. Este trabajo fue apoyado por la ColaboraciĂłn Global para Sistemas Alimentarios Resilientes de la FundaciĂłn McKnight.
Nederlandse versie hieronder
Almario Senoro and his wife, Frances Mae, warmly welcome us as we arrive at Senoro Green Farm. One of the local partners that we are training on Negros Island in the Philippines is making a video on farm record keeping, and it turns out this farm family has just the right experiences to share.
Located on the outskirts of Bago City, since 2014 the family has been developing their three-hectare land into a fully integrated agroecological farm. Almario proudly shows us a map of the farm, which reveals that the farm design has been given some clear thought.
Organic rice is grown on two hectares and milled on the farm to ensure full compliance for organic certification. While Almario guides us around the house, we notice how pleasant the environment is; you hardly feel the heat of the sun as shade is provided by a wide variety of tropical fruit and coconut palm trees scattered around the garden.
In a small screen house, we meet Joyse Salcedo busy transplanting seedlings of various types of herbs and ornamentals. Joyse is from the neighbourhood and manages a team of five women who all work on the farm, wearing the same Senoro Green Farm t-shirts. On a whiteboard, Joyse accurately keeps track of all activities, so our trainees decide to interview her for their video.
âFor us to know, for example, when did I sow, when can I transplant, when can I harvest, we need records in our everyday work,â Joyse says. By doing so, they can properly plan and know when different crops will be ready to sell at the market.
The farm has a contract with a local Italian restaurant to weekly provide 10 kilograms of sweet basil, for which it charges 400-500 Philippine pesos per kilogram (7-8 Euros). The restaurant uses the fresh, organic basil leaves to make into a delicious pesto. Thai basil leaves are provided on a weekly basis to a Thai restaurant.
âHerbs like basil are really great, as you need to plant them only once and you can then harvest leaves for six months, if you know how to manage the crop properly,â confides Frances. âWe also sell locally crafted baskets with seedlings of five different herbs for anyone who wants to start their own small herb garden.â
The farm has chickens, ducks, and a fish pond. The bran from the rice mill is used as feed. The poultry droppings are collected to feed worms that produce vermicompost, which helps to keep the soil in the vegetable plots healthy and fertile. Full recycling of farm resources is at the heart of the farm, requiring creativity in planning and the occasional adjustments.
While keeping records is useful for any farmer, it is a must for organic farmers, as Almario explains in front of the camera.
âRecord keeping is needed for organic farming to track our crops: where they came from, how they were grown, what inputs we used. It is essential when we apply for certification from a third party or PGS, participatory guarantee system, to organically certify our products.â
We are surprised to learn that Almario is a chemical engineer. Not really the type of profile one expects for an organic farmer.
For years, Almario and his wife lived and worked in the capital city, Manila. âIt was such a stressful work and life that it even affected my health. When I checked with my doctor all my results were borderline: high blood sugar and uric acid .⊠The doctor prescribed medicines, but I didnât like to take them because I knew they would affect my kidneys. I then changed my lifestyle 180 degrees because I love my health and want to stay longer in this world.â
In one year, Almario learned about organic farming and then decided to set up his own farm. âSince then I have only eaten organic food. I became a healthy person. Lately, I had a health check-up and my health improved; thank God for that.â
Now in their forties, Almario and Frances are not just entrepreneurial farmers, they have established various marketing outlets to sell fresh produce as well as jars of pickled papaya, chilli oil and refreshing juices made from the small calamansi fruits (Philippine lime), lightly flavoured with herbs, ginger, and turmeric.
The couple also turned Senoro Green Farm into a unique learning space for students interested in becoming ecological or certified organic farmers. They have just received approval from the local authorities to establish an official training centre to support young people who want to start an organic farm, as well as those who want to just learn about organic agriculture.
And it is not just about ecological farming. The farm also offers a wide range of âfarm experienceâ and âslow food experienceâ packages to groups or families for 200 to 600 Philippine pesos per person (3-10 Euros), as presented in their promotional leaflet.
You can help with transplanting herbs or vegetables, harvest dwarf coconuts, and enjoy drinking the refreshing coconut water. You can also learn how to prepare traditional dishes, using native utensils and a traditional clay pot. A three-course meal can be enjoyed in a bahay kubo, a traditional bamboo country house, with the food being presented on banana leaves as plates.
Clearly, Almario and Frances have succeeded in developing their farm with respect for the environment and traditional culture. And they have become an inspiration for others to become agri-preneurs. Sometimes a wakeup call is needed to let people discover their real passion.
Een âslow foodâ boerenschool
Almario Senoro en zijn vrouw Frances Mae verwelkomen ons hartelijk als we aankomen bij Senoro Green Farm. Een van de lokale partners die we trainen op Negros Island in de Filippijnen maakt een video over boekhouden van boerderijen en het blijkt dat deze boerenfamilie precies de juiste ervaringen heeft om te delen.
De familie ligt aan de rand van Bago City en is sinds 2014 bezig om hun land van drie hectare te ontwikkelen tot een volledig geĂŻntegreerde agro-ecologische boerderij. Almario laat ons trots een plattegrond van de boerderij zien, waarop duidelijk is dat er goed is nagedacht over het ontwerp van de boerderij.
Op twee hectare wordt biologische rijst verbouwd en op de boerderij gemalen om volledig te voldoen aan de eisen voor biologische certificering. Terwijl Almario ons rondleidt door het huis, valt het ons op hoe aangenaam de omgeving is; je voelt de hitte van de zon nauwelijks omdat er schaduw wordt geboden door een grote verscheidenheid aan tropische fruit- en kokospalmbomen die verspreid in de tuin staan.
In een kleine serre ontmoeten we Joyse Salcedo die bezig is met het verplanten van zaailingen van verschillende soorten kruiden en sierplanten. Joyse komt uit de buurt en geeft leiding aan een team van vijf vrouwen die allemaal op de boerderij werken, met dezelfde Senoro Green Farm t-shirts aan. Op een whiteboard houdt Joyse nauwkeurig alle activiteiten bij, dus besluiten onze trainees haar te interviewen voor hun video.
“Om bijvoorbeeld te weten wanneer ik gezaaid heb, wanneer ik kan uitplanten, wanneer ik kan oogsten, hebben we een administratie nodig voor ons dagelijkse werk,” zegt Joyse. Hierdoor kunnen ze goed plannen en weten ze wanneer de verschillende gewassen klaar zijn om op de markt verkocht te worden.
De boerderij heeft een contract met een plaatselijk Italiaans restaurant om wekelijks 10 kilo basilicum te leveren, waarvoor 400-500 Filipijnse pesos per kilo (7-8 euro) wordt gevraagd. Het restaurant gebruikt de verse, biologische basilicumblaadjes om een heerlijke pesto van te maken. Thaise basilicumblaadjes worden wekelijks geleverd aan een Thais restaurant.
“Kruiden zoals basilicum zijn echt geweldig, omdat je ze maar Ă©Ă©n keer hoeft te planten en je dan zes maanden lang bladeren kunt oogsten, als je weet hoe je het gewas goed moet beheren,” vertrouwt Frances ons toe. “We verkopen ook lokaal gemaakte manden met zaailingen van vijf verschillende kruiden voor iedereen die zijn eigen kleine kruidentuin wil beginnen.”
De boerderij heeft kippen, eenden en een visvijver. De zemelen van de rijstmolen worden gebruikt als veevoer. De uitwerpselen van het pluimvee worden verzameld om wormen te voeden die vermicompost produceren, wat helpt om de grond in de groentetuinen gezond en vruchtbaar te houden. Het volledig hergebruiken van de middelen van de boerderij vormt de kern van de boerderij en vereist creativiteit bij het plannen en af en toe aanpassingen.
Hoewel het bijhouden van een administratie nuttig is voor elke boer, is het een must voor biologische boeren, zoals Almario uitlegt voor de camera.
“Het bijhouden van een register is nodig voor biologische landbouw om onze gewassen te kunnen volgen: waar ze vandaan komen, hoe ze zijn verbouwd, welke inputs we hebben gebruikt. Het is essentieel wanneer we certificering aanvragen bij een derde partij of PGS, participatief garantiesysteem, om onze producten biologisch te certificeren.”
Het verbaast ons dat Almario chemisch ingenieur is. Niet echt het profiel dat je verwacht van een biologische boer.
Jarenlang woonden en werkten Almario en zijn vrouw in de hoofdstad Manilla. “Het was zo’n stressvol werk en leven dat het zelfs mijn gezondheid aantastte. Toen ik op controle ging bij mijn dokter waren al mijn uitslagen gevaarlijk tegen de grens aan: hoge bloedsuikerspiegel en urinezuur …. De dokter schreef medicijnen voor, maar ik wilde ze niet innemen omdat ik wist dat ze mijn nieren zouden aantasten. Ik heb toen mijn levensstijl 180 graden veranderd omdat ik van mijn gezondheid houd en langer op deze wereld wil blijven.”
In een jaar tijd leerde Almario over biologische landbouw en besloot toen om zijn eigen boerderij op te zetten. “Sindsdien eet ik alleen nog maar biologisch voedsel. Ik ben een gezond mens geworden. Onlangs ben ik nog onderzocht en mijn gezondheid is verbeterd; God zij dank daarvoor.”
Nu ze in de veertig zijn, zijn Almario en Frances niet alleen ondernemende boeren, ze hebben ook verschillende verkooppunten opgezet om verse producten te verkopen, maar ook potten ingemaakte papaja, chili-olie en verfrissende sappen gemaakt van de kleine calamansi-vruchten (Filipijnse limoen), licht op smaak gebracht met kruiden, gember en kurkuma.
Het echtpaar heeft Senoro Green Farm ook omgetoverd tot een unieke leerplek voor studenten die geĂŻnteresseerd zijn om ecologische of gecertificeerde biologische boeren te worden. Ze hebben net goedkeuring gekregen van de lokale autoriteiten om een officieel trainingscentrum op te zetten om jonge mensen te ondersteunen die een biologische boerderij willen beginnen, maar ook degenen die alleen maar willen leren over biologische landbouw.
En het gaat niet alleen om ecologische landbouw. De boerderij biedt ook een breed scala aan “boerderij ervaring” en “slow food ervaring” pakketten voor groepen of families voor 200 tot 600 pesos per persoon (3-10 euro), zoals gepresenteerd in hun promotiefolder.
Je kunt helpen met het verplanten van kruiden of groenten, dwergkokosnoten oogsten en genieten van het verfrissende kokoswater. Je kunt ook leren hoe je traditionele gerechten bereidt met inheems keukengerei en een traditionele kleipot. Een driegangendiner kan worden genuttigd in een bahay kubo, een traditioneel bamboe buitenhuis, waarbij het eten wordt gepresenteerd op bananenbladeren als borden.
Almario en Frances zijn er duidelijk in geslaagd om hun boerderij te ontwikkelen met respect voor het milieu en de traditionele cultuur. En ze zijn een inspiratie voor anderen geworden om agri-preneurs te worden. Soms is er een wake-up call nodig om mensen hun echte passie te laten ontdekken.